School Class Photos
School photos are more than just a piece of paper. They are not only a record, but also a reflection of a school, so finding the right look for your school and community is important. PhotoLife can offer you what you are looking for, as we know every school is different and one size doesn’t fit all.
Classic Class & Team Photographs
Our classic class & team photos have a structured group photo arrangement with a formal set-up.Our “tried and true” method of lining students up tallest to shortest, to create a balanced photo, has passed the test of time and continues to be the preference for many schools.

Casual Class & Team Photographs
Our casual class and team photos offer a fresh, new look to school photography. Relaxed and comfortable poses where the children can “Be themselves” so their personalities can shine through. Our photographers can individualise your photos by using such props as the jungle gym, bean bags or a setting unique to your school.
Large Group Photographs
Our point of difference is our ability to photograph large groups. From graduating year groups to whole school photos, we can supply safe equipment to meet your demands.

Photo Options
Chose the format for your photographs that you feel works best for your school. If you have something else in mind, please call us to discuss.
Your images are in safe hands
Identities of people are secure, as there is no outsourcing of images offshore for printing. From taking your photographs to delivering them to your school, all processes are undertaken in New Zealand.
Want to order your photos online?
Simply have your shoot key handy to get started.